Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Arithmetic Instructions in C

type of instruction in c programming

In C programming an arithmetic instruction contains a variable on left side of =(assignment operator) and variables names and constants on right side of =(assignment operator).

Syntax:-    variable=(combination of variables and constants connected by arithmetic operators)

Variables and constants together known as operands.

Variables and constants who appears on the right side of assignment operator connected by arithmetic operators like +,-,*,/ etc.

On the time of execution of an arithmetic statement first operands operated upon by the arithmetical operators and then the result assigned to the variable on the left hand side of =(assignment operator).

These arithmetic statements can be of 3 types as follows :-

1. Integer mode- All operands are of integer type.
                             for ex.- int a,b,c;
2. Real mode- All operands are of real type.
                        for ex.- float a,b,c;
3. Mixed mode- Some of the operands are integer type and some of the operands are of real type.
                           for ex.- int a,b;
                           float c,d;

Points to note:-

1. Only one variable on left side of assignment operator.
              for ex.- a=b+c;  // correct
                           a+b=c; //Incorrect