Thursday, March 26, 2015

Why should we learn c programming language before migrating to c++, c# or java programming language?

reason for learning c before c++,java or c#.why c is beginner language

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1. When you will go to learn c#, c++ or java programming languages directly you will not able to understand the concept of these programming languages. Because when you will learn these programming languages you would be learn topics like classes, objects , inheritance , poly-morphism etc. And learning these complicated topics without knowing about basics of programming language is something like putting the cart before the horse. So,everyone should learn basics of c programming language before migrating to c#, c++ or java programming languages.

2. Many tools and frameworks based on c++ or java programming languages still required to use core c language programming elements that is another best reason.

3. Operating systems likes windows, UNIX, Linux are still written in c programming language. Because when it comes to performance means speed of execution nothing beats c programming language.

4. Today's common devices like mobile phones,washing machines etc. are getting smarter and this comes from a microprocessor,an operating system and a program embedded in these devices and their is no wonder that such programs are written in c programming language.

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