1. Words which are reserved by compiler are known as Keywords.
2. We cannot use these reserved words as a variable name because if we will do this ,we tried to change the meaning of that keyword which is not allowed by the compiler.
3. So, user cannot change the meaning of any keyword.
4. As all we know c programming is a case sensitive programming language so, every keyword must be written in lowercase.
5. In c programming mainly 32 keywords are available. List of all keywords in c language is given below :-
Keywords In C Programming
auto | double | int | struct |
break | else | long | switch |
case | enum | register | tupedef |
char | extern | return | union |
const | float | short | unsigned |
continue | for | signed | void |
default | goto | sizeof | volatile |
do | if | static | while |
6.Apart from the above mentioned keywords some other compiler vendors like micosoft etc. provide their own keywords. Some of them extended keywords are given below-
Extended keywords In C Programming
asm | near | far | pascal | intrrupt | huge | cdecl |
1.What is c programming language?
2.Why should we learn c programming before migrating to high level languages like c++ or java?
3.Character set in C programming language.
4.Constant in C programming language.
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