Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Character Set in C Programming Language

character set in c consist of alphabets, digits and special symbols

Character sets which are allowed in C programming language are as follows:-

1. Alphabets     which consist both lower and upper case alphabets. 

                          1. Upper case alphabets:- A,B,C,D…………….,X,Y,Z
                          2. Lower case alphabets:- a,b,c,d,.…………….,x,y,z

2. Digits            which consists numbers from 0 to 9.

                          1. Digits/numbers:- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

3. Special character/symbols   which includes curly braces, square bracket , addition, subtraction, 
                                                  multiplication, division, equals signs and many more. 

                          1. Special character/symbol:- ~ ` ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = | \ { } [ ] : ;                                                                                                   “ ‘ < > , . ? / $


What is c programming language?
Why should we learn c programming language before migrating to high level languages like c++ or java?
Constant in C programming language.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

What is c programming language

c is a programming language developed by dennis ritchie at AT & T's Bell laboratories also known as middle level language mixture of low and high level language

C is a programming language. It was designed and developed by DENNIS RITCHIE in 1972. It was developed at AT & T’s Bell laboratories of USA. DENNIS RITCHIE was a system programmer at AT & T’s Bell laboratories.

C programming language was the successor of B programming language. B programming language was earlier developed by KEN THOMPSON at Bell laboratories. But B programming language was inadequate to write big programs. For example- O.S. (Operating System)

programming language is also known as middle level language. It means it support both high level language and low level language features. 

It supports high level language features like data types, data structures which are needed by a normal programmer. 

It supports low level language features like accessing the computer hardware through special designed declarations and functions.


Why should we learn c programming language before migrating to high level languages like c++ or java?
Character set in C programming language.
Constant in C programming language.