Android Interview Questions

latest technical android interview questions

          Q.1 what is Android?
          Answer- Android is an open source operating system. Which is specially developed for mobile           devices like mobile phones, tablets etc. Android is built upon Linux Kernel. Android is                       developed by Google.

          Q.2 when was android beta version was released?
          Answer- In November, 2007

          Q.3 when android 1.0 version was released?
          Answer- In 2008

          Q.4 which features was not supported by android 1.0?
          Answer- Soft Keyboard

          Q.5 which android version was released only for tablets?
          Answer- Android 3.0 – (Honeycomb)

          Q.6 which toolset is required to write and test an android application on android enabled                       devices?
          Answer- Google Android SDK (Software Development Kit)

          Q.7 what is the latest released version of android?
          Answer- Android 5.0 – (Lollipop)

          Q.8 what are the code names for all android versions?
2.3 - 2.3.2
2.3.3 - 2.3.7
4.0 – 4.0.2
4.0.3 – 4.0.4
Ice Cream Sandwich
Jelly Bean

          Q.9 when first version of android OS was released?
          Answer- In 2008

          Q.10 what is android architecture?
          Answer- There is 5 main blocks of the android architecture –
Android Application/JAVA Application
Java API
Dalvik Java Virtual Machine (DVM)
Native C/C++ libraries
Device Drivers/Linux Kernel

         Q.11 what is the responsibilities of Linux Kernel/Device Drivers?
         Answer- Linux Kernel is responsible for OS functions such as-
1.      Processor Management
2.      Memory Management
3.      File Management
4.      Power Management

  Device Drivers are –
  1.      Display Driver
  2.      Camera Driver
  3.      Keypad Driver etc.

          Q.12 why dalvik virtual machine (DVM) was developed?
          Answer- DVM was developed by Google. It was developed to optimize the performance of                 Java applications on mobile devices with limited capabilities.

          Q.13 how DVM optimize the performance?
          Answer- DVM takes the .class and combines them into one or more Dalvik Executable “.dex”           files by removing duplicate information among the java classes and reduces the resultant file               size compared to JAR file.

          Q.14 which language is used to write android application?
          Answer- Java Language

          Q.15 what are the application components in android?
          Answer- there is 4 application components in android-
1.      Activity
2.      Services
3.      Content providers
4.      Broadcast Receivers

          Q.16 what is the importance of having an emulator within the android environment?
          Answer- Emulator is a safe place for testing codes especially if it is in the early design phase.

          Q.17 what are the android activity life cycle methods?
          Answer- there are 7 callback/events/methods in android activity life cycle. They are as follow-
1.      onCreate() –this is the first callback and called when the activity is first created.
2.      onStart() - this callback is called when the activity becomes visible to the user.
3.      onResume() – this is called when the user starts interacting with the application.
4.      onPause() – the pause activity does not receive user input and cannot execute any code and called when the current activity is being paused and the previous activity is being resumed.
5.      onStop() – this callback is called when the activity is no longer visible.
6.      onDestroy() – this callback is called before the activity is destroyed by the system.
7.      onRestart() – this callback is called when the activity restarts after stopping it.

          Q.18 what are the activity states in android?
          Answer- there are 4 activity states are available in android-
1.      Activity/Running state – this is a state when an activity is in front and has focus on it. It is completely visible and active to the user.
2.      Paused state – In pause state , the activity is partially visible to the user but not active and lost focus.
3.      Stopped state – This is when the activity is no longer visible on the screen.
4.      Destroyed/Dead state – When it is no longer exists in the memory.

          Q.19 what are activity lifecycle loops?
          Answer- there are three activity life cycle loops exist for every activity in android-
1.      Entire Lifecycle – Lifetime between the first call to the onCreate() and the final call to onDestroy() method is known as Entire Lifecycle.
2.      Visible Lifecycle – Lifetime between onStart() and onStop() methods calls is known as Visible Lifecycle.
3.      Foreground Lifetime – Lifetime between onResume() to onPause() method calls is known as Foreground Lifecycle.

          Q.20 who is the founder of android?
          Answer- Andy Rubin

           Q.21 does android support languages other than java?
           Answer- Yes. C and C++ as native languages to increase the performance.

           Q.22 what is service?
           Answer- This is a component that runs in the background to perform long running operations              without interaction with user. Like play music in background, fetching data over the network              etc.

           Q.23 states of service?
1.      Started
2.      Bound

           Q.24 callbacks of service?
1.      onStartCommand()
2.      onBind()
3.      onUnbind()
4.      onRebind()
5.      onCreate()
6.      onDestroy()

Q.25 what is broadcast receiver?
Answer- Broadcast receiver simply responds to broadcast messages  from other application
 or from the system itself.

Q.26 what is content provider?
Answer- a content provider supplies data from one application to others on request.

Q.27 what is the name of database used in android?
Answer- SQLite- an opensource and lightweight database

Q.28 what is intent?
Answer- intent is a kind of message which passed to components, used to launch an activity, send a message, send an email etc. two type of intents are available in android-
1.      implicit intent- used to invoke activity class
2.      explicit intent- used to invoke system components

Q.29 how to call another activity in android?
Answer- by using explicit intent
            Intent i=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),calledActivityname.class);

Q.30 what are the different storage methods in android?
1.      shared preference
2.      internal storage
3.      external storage
4.      SQLite database

Q.31 what is ANR?
Answer- ANS is acronym for Application Not Responding. Android system shows this dialog if application has been unresponsive for a long time period.

Q.32 what is NDK?
Answer- NDK is acronym for Native Development Kit which is used to develop a part of android application with the native language like c and c++ for optimize the performance of application.

Q.33 what is ADB?
Answer- ADB is acronym for Android Debug Bridge. A command line tool used to communicate with emulator instantly.

Q.34 what is AAPT?
Answer- AAPT is acronym for Android Asset packaging Tool. A tool who provides ability to deal with zip compatible archives, which include creating, extracting as well as viewing its contents.

Q.35 what is fragment?
Answer- fragment is a part of an activity. Used to display multiple screen on a single activity.

Q.36 what is activity creator?
Answer- It is first step towards to create a new android project. It is made up of a shell script that will used to create new file system structure necessary for writing codes within the android IDE.

Q.37 when the onStop() method invokes?
Answer- when an activity is no longer visible to the user.

Q.38 what is the AndroidMenifest.xml?
Answer- An essential XML file declared in root directory in every android application. It contains the information about the application that android system must know before the code can be executed

Q.39 when we celebrate birthday of android?
Answer- On 5th November.


  1. Please update this. The latest Android version is Marshmallow (6.0).

  2. Hello Alnel Vincent. Thank you for your feedback. I will definitely update it soon. I am sorry I was busy recently. Keep me update if any changes required.
